Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I noticed today that it is February. This only made me slightly nervous. I have three bigger projects to complete this year. Believe me when I say bigger. They are bigger.
But I'm still trying to move with that rhythmic simplicity and habitualness that I always try for. So today I did one thing about one of my projects. And then I studied biology and I will write a smallish paper for history and finish my Valentines and study a little bit for our surprise French test tomorrow.
My mind is all places in the midst of my trying for a steady rhythm. Sometimes because of these 2013 goals, and other reasons too.
I finished the James Bond series the other day. Literally, I read the last book. I cried because he still wasn't happy. And I didn't understand it. I still don't, I don't understand it yet. Also I have been trying really hard to avoid C.S. Lewis because I'm muddling through these deep theological questions when I wake up in the mornings and he always only makes it worse. But I'll probably give up on that and read Mere Christianity again because I can't help myself. I'm constantly thinking about it. And a thousand other things like faith and grace and futures and heaven and hope. And did I mention painting yet? Well, now I have. Painting is kind of ruining me. It really is.
It's February.  321 days left.
I think I can.

1 comment:

  1. You can!
    Drink tea and write a list and allow your mind to be a bit muddled. It will sort itself out in a while, minds have a habit of doing that and God has a habit of helping quite a lot.

    lots of love

    p.s Your writing is a JOY to read!
